Current projects
Project to support the awareness of young and disabled people in the city of Yaoundé and its surroundings on adaptation to climate change and preservation of the environment, with a view to better social inclusion.
The project aims to strengthen the climate resilience of people with disabilities in an inclusive framework. The involvement of local authorities will help establish the institutional viability of the interventions.
This project is in line with the 2016-2020 strategic plan of CJARC in its empowerment component and which has received institutional support from the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Regarding the involvement of people with disabilities in the fight against climate change, the CJARC is a member of the Communal Coordination of the Participatory Budget within the Municipality of Yaoundé 4 as part of a project to fight against climate change . A pooling of information and expertise will be developed between this project and that of the Communes of Yaoundé 3 and Yaoundé 4 which are currently developing CIimat and Energy action plans.
The project will be carried out in the Mfoundi department, involving the 7 municipalities for better sustainability of the interventions. It specifically targets people with disabilities of all categories.
The impact of the project is projected in local planning with more active involvement and participation of people with disabilities in local governance bodies dealing with climate change issues.
The project methodology focuses on the following three approaches: Baseline Analysis, Capacity Building and Implementation of Pilot Climate Mitigation and Resilience Technologies for People with Disabilities.
The innovation of the project lies in the inclusive approach involving local authorities as well as the demonstration and deployment of GHG mitigation and climate change adaptation technologies
Message from the CEO
The YRBCC (Young Rehabilitated Blind of Cameroon Club) is an organization that has made its way, nearly 30 years already serving people with disabilities in general and visually impaired people in particular, with a dedicated team that has acquired this noble cause.
I am pleased to invite you to visit the website of the Club of Young Blind People...
Our documents and reports
« Etre blanc au milieu des noirs est une expérience !
Parce qu’en France nous avons l’habitude de côtoyer des personnes noirs mais il semble que c’est différent ici ! Alors à chaque fois qu’on se déplace on se fait appeler : « eh le blanc ! » ça m’a fait rire !
Je pourrais aussi parler des personnes aveugles que nous avons rencontrées et qui sont incroyables.
Coco Bertin et son cjarc
Roosevelt et son incroyable talent pour la music
Toutes les rencontres que nous avons faites sont édifiantes et géniales. »