Welcome to CJARC
Founded in 1988 by blind young people leaving the Rehabilitation Institute for the Blind of Buea, the CJARC aims to:
- Raise awareness on disability issues from view and especially the families within them the visually impaired;
- Train the disabled of sight to make them independent of socio-economic domain;
- Develop income generating activities;
- Promoting the Development of Women and the disabled child of the view;
- Promoting sport and culture among people with disabilities of sight.
BP 2315 Messa Yaounde - CAMEROON
Tel: (237) 222 30 39 70 | Mobile: (237) 699 91 43 39
E-mail: contact@cjarc.org / coco_bertin@yahoo.fr
Our recent vidéo
Celebration of the 39th edition of the International Day of the White Cane
People with disabilities also parade
Our last Albums Photos
Message from the CEO
The YRBCC (Young Rehabilitated Blind of Cameroon Club) is an organization that has made its way, nearly 30 years already serving people with disabilities in general and visually impaired people in particular, with a dedicated team that has acquired this noble cause.
I am pleased to invite you to visit the website of the Club of Young Blind People...
Our documents and reports
« Etre blanc au milieu des noirs est une expérience !
Parce qu’en France nous avons l’habitude de côtoyer des personnes noirs mais il semble que c’est différent ici ! Alors à chaque fois qu’on se déplace on se fait appeler : « eh le blanc ! » ça m’a fait rire !
Je pourrais aussi parler des personnes aveugles que nous avons rencontrées et qui sont incroyables.
Coco Bertin et son cjarc
Roosevelt et son incroyable talent pour la music
Toutes les rencontres que nous avons faites sont édifiantes et géniales. »